Huffman Encoding

Greedy Algorithm

C++ Code

Huffman encoding algorithm is a widely used lossless data compression technique that assigns variable-length codes to characters based on their frequencies in the input. It works by building a binary tree in which the two lowest frequency nodes are merged into a single parent node until all the nodes are part of the tree. The resulting tree is then traversed to generate the code for each character, with shorter codes assigned to more frequently occurring characters. This can significantly reduce the size of the input data, making it useful for applications such as file compression and data transmission.

Time Complexity: O(nlogn)

        unordered_map<char, string> encodingMap;
        class Node
            string key;
            int value;
            Node *parent;
            Node *left;
            Node *right;
            Node(string key, int value)
                this->key = key;
                this->value = value;
        typedef pair<Node *, int> pd;
        struct encoding
            constexpr bool operator()(
                pair<Node *, int> const &a,
                pair<Node *, int> const &b)
                const noexcept
                return a.second > b.second;
        void labeling(Node *root, string current)
            if (root == NULL)
            else if (root->key.length() == 1)
                encodingMap[root->key[0]] = current;
            labeling(root->left, current + "0");
            labeling(root->right, current + "1");
        vector<string> huffman_encoding(vector<char> values, vector<int> frequencies)
            priority_queue<pd, vector<pd>, encoding> PQ;
            for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++)
                Node *node = new Node(string(1,,;
            while (PQ.size() > 1)
                Node *a =;
                Node *b =;
                string newKey = a->key + b->key;
                int newFrequency = a->value + b->value;
                Node *newNode = new Node(newKey, newFrequency);
                newNode->left = a;
                newNode->right = b;
                a->parent = newNode;
                b->parent = newNode;
                PQ.push(make_pair(newNode, newFrequency));
            Node *root =;
            labeling(root, "");
        int main()
            vector<char> values = {'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'};
            vector<int> frequencies = {75, 2, 22, 31};
            vector<string> encoding = huffman_encoding(values, frequencies);
            for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++)
                cout < < ": " < encodingMap[] < endl;