Quick Select

Divide and Conqure

C++ Code

This algorithm is used to find the kth smallest element in an unsorted array. It uses the Median of Medians algorithm to select a pivot element that is guaranteed to be close to the true median of the array, which improves the worst-case time complexity of Quickselect to O(n). The algorithm partitions the array around the pivot element and recursively searches the subarray that contains the kth smallest element. This algorithm can be used to efficently find the median.

Time Complexity: O(n²)

            int partition(vector<int> &arr, int from, int to, int value)
                for (int i = from; i <= to; i++)
                    if (arr.at(i) == value)
                        int temp = arr.at(to);
                        arr.at(to) = arr.at(i);
                        arr.at(i) = temp;

                int pi = from;
                int pivot_value = arr[to];

                for (int i = from; i < to; i++)

                    if (arr[i] <= pivot_value)
                        int temp = arr[pi];
                        arr[pi] = arr[i];
                        arr[i] = temp;

                int temp = arr[to];
                arr[to] = arr[pi];
                arr[pi] = temp;
                return pi - from;

            int find_median(vector<int> &array, int from, int size)
                sort(array.begin() + from, array.begin() + from + size);
                int median = array.at(from + size / 2);
                return median;

            int quick_select(vector<int> &array, int from, int to, int k)
                int number_of_elements = to - from + 1;
                if (k < number_of_elements)
                    // Sorting every 5 elements and storing their median
                    vector<int> medians;
                    for (int i = 0; i < number_of_elements / 5; i++)
                        int median = find_median(array, from + 5 * i, 5);
                    // Last Group
                    if (number_of_elements % 5)
                        int median = find_median(array, from + 5 * (number_of_elements / 5), number_of_elements % 5);

                    // Median of Medians
                    int median_of_medians;
                    if (medians.size() == 1)
                        median_of_medians = medians.at(0);
                        median_of_medians = quick_select(medians, 0, medians.size() - 1, medians.size() / 2);

                    // Partition at the median of medians
                    int partition_index = partition(array, from, to, median_of_medians);

                    if (k == partition_index)
                        return median_of_medians;
                    else if (k < partition_index)
                        return quick_select(array, from, partition_index + from - 1, k);
                        return quick_select(array, partition_index + 1, to, from + k - (partition_index + 1));
                return INT_MAX;

            int main()
                vector<int> array = {5, 6, 2, 4, 5, 2, 4, 5};
                int nthNeeded = 3;
                cout << quick_select(array, 0, array.size() - 1, nthNeeded) << endl;